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Letter to UNESCO

To the Distinguished Members of UNESCO:


My name is Yehenew Ayalew, and I am the founder of Save Lalibela Today, a mission dedicated to preserving the rich cultural heritage embodied in the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela. I'm deeply connected to the ancient town of Lalibela, a place that holds immense personal significance as my birthplace and the very foundation of my upbringing. The Lalibela Rock-Hewn Churches, steeped in both extraordinary beauty and spiritual significance, have been a part of my life since my earliest memories. Today, I reach out to you with an unyielding commitment and a fervent plea for the protection and preservation of these irreplaceable treasures.


Tragically, the ancient Lalibela Rock-Hewn Churches find themselves precariously close to a warzone in Ethiopia, facing potential devastation. These churches are not mere stone structures; they are the living embodiment of Ethiopia's rich history, culture, and spirituality. To shield these invaluable treasures from further harm, I fervently implore UNESCO to take immediate and resolute action.


The Lalibela Rock-Hewn Churches are nothing short of architectural marvels, testaments to human ingenuity, and custodians of Ethiopia's profound historical and spiritual heritage. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, their significance knows no bounds. Yet, the ongoing conflict in Ethiopia has inflicted severe damage, looting, and destruction upon this unparalleled cultural heritage, imperiling their very existence.


As the world's foremost organization dedicated to the preservation of cultural and natural heritage, UNESCO is uniquely positioned to address this dire situation and take swift measures to Save Lalibela.


With the utmost urgency, I implore UNESCO to undertake the following actions:


  1. Advocate for an immediate ceasefire in the conflict zone to protect the Lalibela Rock-Hewn Churches and other cultural and historical sites in the region.

  2. Collaborate with international organizations, governments, and stakeholders to establish a secure and protected environment for the churches, ensuring their safety.

  3. Provide substantial financial and technical support for the restoration and conservation of the damaged portions of the Lalibela Rock-Hewn Churches.

  4. Undertake a comprehensive inventory and documentation of the churches, including meticulous records of their current condition, to facilitate future restoration efforts.

Furthermore, I respectfully request UNESCO to consider granting a unique status to the Lalibela Rock-Hewn Churches as a distinct holy site. This designation would offer an additional layer of protection, shielding them from the volatility of conflict and political transitions in Ethiopia. It would secure Lalibela's status as a universal heritage site, insulating it from the perils of regional conflicts or governmental shifts.


I passionately implore UNESCO to champion the cause of saving Lalibela and securing its separate holy site designation, ensuring its protection against any future conflicts or political uncertainties in Ethiopia. It is the responsibility of UNESCO, as the guardian of cultural heritage, to proactively ensure the enduring existence of these invaluable treasures.


Lalibela transcends the annals of Ethiopia's history; it is an integral part of the world's heritage. Its preservation extends beyond national borders and becomes a shared global duty. As someone who was born in Lasta Lalibela, my determination to protect these precious treasures for future generations is unshakable.


I wholeheartedly implore UNESCO to act with unwavering determination to Save Lalibela, shield these sacred sites, and secure their timeless legacy for generations to come. I believe that UNESCO, with its global mandate and custodianship of cultural heritage, can play a pivotal role in ensuring that the Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela continue to inspire admiration and reverence for centuries to come.




Yehenew Ayalew

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